Cosmetic Surgery And Why It’s No Longer Taboo

The Wordrobe takes an in-depth look at what has changed when it comes to perceptions around cosmetic surgery in 2024

In the past, many different forms of cosmetic surgery were kept a secret, and some people were even ashamed of getting things changed, so they would hide the fact and pretend it hadn’t happened (even when it was absolutely obvious).

Everything was shrouded in mystery because people didn’t talk about it, which meant there was much more of a taboo than there would be otherwise – when things are kept quiet, rumours and myths always grow up around them.

Today, things are different, and we’re much more open about cosmetic surgery and the benefits it can bring. Let’s take a look at what changed so that if you’re thinking of getting cosmetic surgery, you’ll know you can do it without judgements. Read on to find out more. 

Popular Culture 

As with most things in life, pop culture has a lot to say about cosmetic surgery, and today you’ll find that it’s much more normalised – you’ll see a lot of celebrities openly talking about what they’ve had done, from Botox to lip fillers and more, and no one’s worried about what people think. In fact, in some cases, it’s even expected that famous people will have these minor procedures done for this role or that party, for example. 

Because of this, the secrecy and shame have been completely taken away from cosmetic surgery, and you can feel confident about getting whatever you need done without anyone batting an eyelid. 

Better Technology 

Something else that’s helped enormously is the advancements in technology, meaning that cosmetic procedures are safer, more accessible, and – what’s really important – more effective than ever before. Plus, because this technology is available, you’ll find many more clinics opening up, meaning you can take your time and find exactly the right place for you. 

You’ll want somewhere like with qualified and experienced surgeons, lots of positive reviews, and all the latest technology to ensure you get the results you want, so think carefully before you sign up to anything – you’ve got all the choices you could possibly want.

Changing Cultural Attitudes 

Every generation has different ideas and attitudes, and right now, people are a lot more laidback when it comes to allowing people to express themselves in whatever way they choose to – and that’s true when it comes to cosmetic surgery as well. 

In the past, if you told someone you wanted cosmetic surgery, whether it was a major or a minor procedure, people might have judged you, but today, people are much less likely to question you and instead perhaps even congratulate you on doing something you want to do. Cultural attitudes are much more positive these days, and that’s a great thing for everyone. 

In other words, if you want to change your external appearance so that it matches what you feel inside, go ahead – people will love that you’ve taken that decision, and as long as you speak to the clinic and plan things in advance, it could be the best thing you do for yourself and your happiness. 

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